Wildlife is what we are all about, our local knowledge allows us to take you to all the best locations in Lochalsh to see Otters, Seals, Porpoise various sea birds and the best underwater kelp forests in our area.

Lochalsh is one of the best places in the UK to see Otters with 250+ sightings of Otters each season, we know all the best places to go looking for them, so if Otters is your thing, join us on a trip and although we cannot guarantee you will see one, we will increase your chances of spotting one of these elusive creatures 10 fold. Go to the gallery to see some of the many otters we see each year.

Lochalsh is also home to between 100 and 200 common seals, numbers vary throughout the season. We also occasional see the Atlantis grey seals, mostly in the spring and autumn. The seals in Lochalsh are so used to our boat going past every day, we are able to get very close to them without disturbance or distress to the animals, giving you the opportunity to get within a few metres of wild seals for incredible up close photographs. Seals are virtually guaranteed every trip. There are lots of seal pictures in the gallery.